Monday, August 25, 2014

First dentist appointment

The boys had their first dentist appointment last Thursday and also the first time I took them to an appointment solo. Joy was at the hospital with her mom, she just had her second hip replaced.

Right before the appointment we stopped at the bank inside acme. There were suckers. I told them "not until after the dentist appointment. Put them in your pocket."

Next thing I know, Jacob is taking the wrapper after off of his. I reminded him "not until after the dentist." He them informed me "Jasper already did." I look at Jasper who already ate half of his sucker.

We then race home to brush teeth again. Meanwhile I let Jacob eat his sucker....

We arrived right on time. There were pictures of teeth on the windows. The boys asked me to take their picture. I didn't know this at the time but the whole office saw us.

The boys did awesome at the dentist. Jacob went first while Jasper watched. The hygienist let them hold and use the water sucking thing and press the buttons to rise and lower the chair. She said they both have good strong teeth. No cavities. She also took their picture.

The boys got new tooth brushes which they used as soon as they got home.

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