Friday, March 20, 2015

Almost been a month!!

Oliver has been here for almost a month. It's really hard to believe how fast everything is going. Oliver has been growing a lot, drinking a lot of milk. Normally if it isn't sleeping or being changed he is wanting a bottle. Just the other day, I noticed he responded a little bit to a tickle.

He has been such a good sleeper. With Jasper and Jacob we barely got any sleep. With Oliver we are sleeping about 5-6 hours a night. We have been tracking our sleep with out Up bands.

Jasper and Jacob have been so sweet him. They look him with such grins you can tell they truly love him. When he is awake they are constantly asking "can I see his eyes." They are not impatient either. They totally understand that baby eat, sleep, and get changed. They are such good brothers to him.

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