Sunday, October 16, 2011

Hanging in grandma's neck of the woods... By woods I mean playground.

Last Sunday, we took the boys to a park in Barberton with Joy's mom and brother. Joy's mom hadn't been able to come over last week because she was working over time and Joy's brother hadn't seen the boys since last winter.

The park was nice, they had a small jungle gym but little kids. We were able to let them climb and slide with supervision. They had a great time.

Jacob wanted to wander around so I followed him as he went to discover the playground and baseball field. Jasper stayed at the jungle gym. I think he missed grandma. Later on, I think he thought it was time to go and got upset when Joy would come for him. We took them to the swings and then I was able to put him in stroller afterwards.

We had lunch grandma's house. She has ham and apple sauce for the boys. Joy peeled grapes for them. They both fell asleep in the car on the ride home but transitioned from car to crib failed to continue their nap.

At home during the week, Joy's aunt and uncle stopped by with Joy's mom. They all had gone shopping and had brought tons of toys and clothes for the boys.

The boys love their new toys and they're playing with them more than had with other toys. They got a Thomas train station which they love. Although their favorite thing to do is dropping it off the coffee table. Hehe

I think the boys have a cold or their teeth hurt. They have been a been fussy this week. Last night, Jasper was in his crib with his fingers on his teeth and crying. Poor guy. I gave him some tylenol and some milk which helped him go to sleep.

Joy and I started doing the "head shoulders knees and toes" song with the boys. They laugh so hard when guide them through the song. Jacob can find most of his body parts when we ask. We both think Jasper knows where some of his parts are but just doesn't want to show us.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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