Friday, July 13, 2012

Walking at the park

Yesterday, after some work with Joy's mom, Jacob stated pedaling this tricycle too! I'm so proud of them and really darn advanced!! Go them!!

Joy ordered her and I pedometers last week and they came on Saturday. Since then, we have been doing a lot of walking. We've been taking the boys to the metro parks and letting them walk on the paths. They have been enjoying the freedom of walking. Only holding hands when bikes come by or anything looks remotely dangerous. At some points they were holding each other's hands.

We have seen deer, birds, bugs, frogs, fish, and turtles on our walks. It's been really fun showing them to the boys and seeing them so interested in them. They were really excited about the frogs we saw at the Nature Realm.

I've been doing a new approach to bedtime. It includes not bringing my phone in when I put them to bed. When they were getting wild while I was trying to put them to bed, I stated playing movies on my phone to get them to settle. Instead, I've been trying to read to them. Letting them have books. We have also been "talking" about the day.

One hot topic we have been talking about was the train we saw at the park. They love trains!!

Forgot to mention, on the same night we saw the train, we all enjoyed laying down and rolling down a hill. We got so dizzy!! The boys loved it! Was so much fun!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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