Wednesday, June 27, 2012

No Gate on room plus park

Now that the boys are getting a bit older, I started taking the gate off their room when they go to sleep. I have also been trying to keep it off when I put them to bed but Jacob likes for me to put it up. I'm not sure if it's a security thing or he is trying to be helpful because he knows it's supposed to be up.

The gate on their door has taken a beating. It used to be a swinging open and close gate but now it is reduced to a gate that no longer stays on unless it's latched.

A couple nights ago, the boys woke up crying and couldn't go back asleep. At one point Jacob left the room and went to the couch. When I got in there, he was just sitting and then he went to lay down.

Joy took Jasper to bed with her to help him calm down but as it turns out, he'd rather sleep in his room. I saw him run back back to his room and when I got there, he was laying down on a pillow trying to cover himself.

Yesterday, when Joy got up in the morning, she found Jacob passed out on the couch with a blanket. He must have gotten up after I left for work. So funny though.

However, last night I heard Jasper crying. When I went into their room, he wasn't there. I found him in the living room looking out the window. I'm not sure if he was scared because he thought he was alone. Normally he just comes into our room. When I went to get him, he brought me back to his room where he fell asleep on the floor.

In other news, the boys are talking a lot more. Jasper's big words now are "ouch" and "gosh." Jacob out of no where said "boo" while playing peek-a-boo with Jasper. He tried really hard to say "bunny" yesterday after we saw a bunny. He has also been talking up a storm.

We saw a train a go by up close while we were on our walk from library to the grocery show. When we got back home they told Joy all about it and pointed towards the train.

I read to the boys last night and they really seemed to like. Jasper laid next to me and watched the book. Jacob picked fuzz and listened. I read the Little Mermaid.

Tonight, I tried to read Toy Story but they're a bit hyper. Jacob is making voices and chasing Jasper.

The pictures are from the park on Saturday. Joy's mom, brother, and us went to the park. They can now go on the regular swings!! They are growing up so fast!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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